Below is an urgent request for assistance from the City of Cleveland Division of Water. If you can help, contact information is provided in their message:
The City of Cleveland Division of Water is in urgent need of two 24” Victaulics couplings. We have contacted Victaulic but have been informed it will take about a week before we can get them. We have had a failure on a 24” main coming out of one of our treatment plants that is affecting our entire First High pressure district.. We have implemented a workaround feed to temporarily supply the area but are not certain how well this will work – reverse flow, different pressures, etc.
Does anyone have two of these: 24" Victaulic cplg style 44 with E gasket, plated bolts and shop primer coated Part number C240044PE0. If someone does, we would need to talk with them on further details, as well as make arrangement to pick them up. They would get the new ones as soon as received. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I can be reached at the below number until 4:30 pm, and at 216-374-7044 anytime. You can also reach Kim Thompson, our Chief of Distribution at 216-348-7277 x 3405 or by cell at 216-857-7535. I have copied him as well as our WARN representative, Payton Hall.
Thank you for your assistance
Melinda L. Raimann
Administrative Manager
Distribution & Maintenance
Cleveland Division of Water
216-664-2444 x 5638
216-348-7292 (fax)