Bumping into the DOT

As a civil engineer, the federal agencies I visit online are usually the DOT, EPA, and FHWA with an occasional click over to the USGS. Upon my entry into Second Life, I searched for these agencies within that virtual world and found nothing.

The only federal agencies that had made it into the virtual realm and set up islands were NASA, NOAA, and the CDC. And although from a personal level, I enjoyed visiting the islands and learning about agencies I really had known little about, I still held hope that one day, I would be able to visit the DOT, EPA, or FHWA in virtual form.

Well that day might be finally getting nearer. Last week, while I was traveling through Second Life researching colleges and universities for an article I am working on, I noticed an island called DOT World. I clicked it hoping it was open to the public, and sure enough I was teleported to the ground. There was only one building so I worried that maybe I had assumed wrong about the name of the island. Maybe someone had just happened to choose the common abbreviation for the Department of Transportation. But once I entered the small structure sitting in the corner of the sim, I knew it was the DOT for which I had searched. There on the conference table was the DOT logo.

DOT building in Second Life
DOT building in Second Life

As excited as I was to find the DOT in Second Life and as much as I wanted to tell everyone, I felt I should check to make sure they wouldn’t mind having their presence known – some agencies want to enter the virtual realm as quietly as possible while they figure out their approach to this new technology. So I IMed the island’s owner and received confirmation that I could publicly let folks know they were there. Unfortunately since then, they have closed off the island to public access so although they might not mind having folks know they are there, they seem to have decided they don’t want them poking around.

Anyway it appears official, the DOT has entered the virtual realm and set up shop in Second Life. And even though right now they only have one building for meetings and have decided not to let anyone visit, at least it is a start; perhaps they will even encourage the FHWA to follow them in. So with all the speculation about how progressive the Obama administration will be and how they will embrace new technologies, I have to think that it might not be long before I can attend classes and collect resources virtually. You don’t get much closer to putting a face to government than establishing an digital representations of your staff in avatar form.


MuniGov 2.0 – Not Just a Buzzword Anymore!

Web 2.0, Web 3.0, virtual worlds: are these buzzwords and their related technologies something you really need to worry about? Studies, reports, and white papers seem to be saying “Yes.” And that is a big fat “yes” even if you work for government.

In fact there are already a few of us government folks headed down the Web 2.0 path. But this stroll was not meant to be taken alone; Web 2.0 works best the greater the crowd. So whether you have already made the decision to embrace this new way of doing business or if you just want to check it out, I have a few links you might want to start with:

First, for those involved in local government, Bill Greeves, IT Director, Roanoke County, Va., and I have set up a MuniGov 2.0 group for anyone working for city, township, or county agencies. You can check out the MuniGov 2.0 Website or join the MuniGov 2.0 group in Second Life. Greeves is also writing a Digital Communities blog that will profile Web 2.0 technologies and explore how they can best be used in local government. Check out his first post: Road-trippin’ (aka Welcome to Wild, Wonderful World Wide Web2.0!)

Second, click on over to the GovLoop Network site. This site allows for membership and networking for all those involved in government. Membership as of today sits at 2,489.

MuniGov 2.0 Center in Second Life
MuniGov 2.0 Center in Second Life

JISC Releases Serious Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds are still fairly new to most, and many still view them as games. But there is a growing realization that virtual worlds can offer real value to businesses, government agencies, and educational institutions. A report recently released by JISC presents a comprehensive study of how virtual worlds are being used to enhance learning and training in many industries and institutions. Serious Virtual Worlds presents background information, case studies, glossary, and other resources offering a good read for anyone who has wondered about just what is seriously going on at the moment in virtual worlds.


Free Highway Design Software!

Hey all you designers of two-lane highways! Get your free download of the 2008 Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM). Brought to you by your friendly Federal Highway Administration.

The site does require you to register for approval. Information required for registration includes your name, title organizational affiliation, mailing address, e-mail address, telephone number, and facsimile number. You must also acknowledge that you have read and agree to the disclaimer.

After registering, you will be sent an e-mail message with a password to enable the download of IHSDM software files. I received my confirmation e-mail and was able to log in and begin downloading the program immediately upon submitting a registration request.


Buddy Walk on Public Works Island

Buddy Walk on Public Works Island
Buddy Walk on Public Works Island

This weekend on Sat., Oct. 25th, Public Works Island in Second Life will host a Buddy Walk to be held in conjunction with the National Down Syndrome Society. Last year, 270 Buddy Walks were held in “real life” to bring awareness and funds for Down syndrome, and this year, JL Zinner and I decided to host one in Second Life.

There will be a walking path around the island with information and signs about Down Syndrome. JL has also set up entertainment for the day. Here is the schedule:
12pm Ezcape Hax
1pm Phemie Alcott
2pm DJ JL
3pm Edward Kyomoon
4pm RockRythym Thespian
5pm DJ (TDB)

So if you have some free time next Saturday, stop on by Public Works.

JL Zinner, a DJ in Second Life, has done most of the work setting up the stage area, preparing the announcements, and arranging for the entertainment. And just like most public works departments, my end of it is providing the setting, setting up the signs, pedestrian and traffic control, and cleaning up after the event.
