MuniGov 2.0 – Not Just a Buzzword Anymore!

Web 2.0, Web 3.0, virtual worlds: are these buzzwords and their related technologies something you really need to worry about? Studies, reports, and white papers seem to be saying “Yes.” And that is a big fat “yes” even if you work for government.

In fact there are already a few of us government folks headed down the Web 2.0 path. But this stroll was not meant to be taken alone; Web 2.0 works best the greater the crowd. So whether you have already made the decision to embrace this new way of doing business or if you just want to check it out, I have a few links you might want to start with:

First, for those involved in local government, Bill Greeves, IT Director, Roanoke County, Va., and I have set up a MuniGov 2.0 group for anyone working for city, township, or county agencies. You can check out the MuniGov 2.0 Website or join the MuniGov 2.0 group in Second Life. Greeves is also writing a Digital Communities blog that will profile Web 2.0 technologies and explore how they can best be used in local government. Check out his first post: Road-trippin’ (aka Welcome to Wild, Wonderful World Wide Web2.0!)

Second, click on over to the GovLoop Network site. This site allows for membership and networking for all those involved in government. Membership as of today sits at 2,489.

MuniGov 2.0 Center in Second Life
MuniGov 2.0 Center in Second Life

JISC Releases Serious Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds are still fairly new to most, and many still view them as games. But there is a growing realization that virtual worlds can offer real value to businesses, government agencies, and educational institutions. A report recently released by JISC presents a comprehensive study of how virtual worlds are being used to enhance learning and training in many industries and institutions. Serious Virtual Worlds presents background information, case studies, glossary, and other resources offering a good read for anyone who has wondered about just what is seriously going on at the moment in virtual worlds.


Free Highway Design Software!

Hey all you designers of two-lane highways! Get your free download of the 2008 Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM). Brought to you by your friendly Federal Highway Administration.

The site does require you to register for approval. Information required for registration includes your name, title organizational affiliation, mailing address, e-mail address, telephone number, and facsimile number. You must also acknowledge that you have read and agree to the disclaimer.

After registering, you will be sent an e-mail message with a password to enable the download of IHSDM software files. I received my confirmation e-mail and was able to log in and begin downloading the program immediately upon submitting a registration request.


Reaching Out in 140 Characters or Less

People are information hounds. They always want to know what is going on, particularly with their friends and neighbors. The need to gossip can sometimes be so strong that some people will even create stories just to have something to talk about. If you work in government you have probably already experienced this aspect of basic human nature and realized that the failure to communicate information to the public can result in misunderstandings and problems with your projects.

In the past, we have communicated with the public through letters and notices placed in the paper and on the local radio or local television station. Over the last decade, communities have used their Websites to post information. But with all these forms of communication, there is a lag time between the realization of the need to send out a message and the delivery of that message. Fortunately the time has come where we can now reach out in real time and deliver those messages within minutes to a targeted group of people.

Although there are several tools with which this real-time messaging can be accomplished, I am going to focus on the use of microblogging and in particular Twitter. Twitter is a microblogging service that allows you to post messages of 140 characters or less. People who “follow” you receive those messages as soon as you post them. Although many use this service for personal reasons, there are plenty of uses for businesses and government.

One simple example of how we have started experimenting with the use of Twitter has been related to our construction projects. We have a small project involving the installation of sanitary sewer and road reconstruction that has impacted about 80 homes. Because we knew this project would be intrusive and cause a major inconvenience, we wanted to make sure residents were kept informed immediately about any issues arising on the project such as access, school bus pickup/dropoff, mail and paper delivery, and garbage pickup. We chose to create a Twitter user name that reflected the project name: Golfview2008. Then we delivered a letter to each home telling them about the service and inviting them to follow us. We also explained that if they created a user name, we would follow them and then they could leave us messages about failed garbage pickup or mail deliveries or anything else we might need to know about.

Although the project is small and this is our first time trying out this method of communication, so far it seems to be working well. We have about 10 followers – some from the project site, one from the local paper, and some interested in how we are using the feed. I know from past projects that the number of calls we have received related to this project are not even close to what we normally get. Is that because of the Twitter feed? I don’t know for sure, but I do know that each person impacted has the ability on this project to know each day what is going on, what progress has been made, and what specific issues have come up that might impact them.

Will I do this again? You bet. It has been free, easy, and gives us a place to direct people who might want to know more about the project. If you are in government and have used Twitter for work-related reasons, I am interested in hearing your experiences and brainstorming over other uses.

And for those who are new to microblogging and who are interested in learning more about Twitter and how it can help, there is a great resource: A Geeks Guide to Promoting Yourself and Your Online Business in 140 Characters or Less with Twitter.


Web 2.0 & Government – Helping us to Just Do It!

“With the adoption of social computing and social media by citizens under the age of 25 already exceeding 75 percent, government organizations now need to plan and implement initiatives to engage and service the citizens of today and tomorrow.” This is a statement taken from “Leveraging Web 2.0 in Government,” a recently released paper published by the IBM Center for The Business of Government that summarizes the results of a study undertaken by Ai-Mei Chang and P.K. Kannan. The study, which focused on understanding social computing, developing the framework, understanding citizen perceptions, and figuring out how to measure engagement and effectiveness, came up with the following findings:

• Government needs to meet citizens where they are online.
• Citizens are willing to interact with government agencies online. (enhance trust, increase transparency, increase citizen influence)
• The role of intermediaries will increase. (feels they must employ and leverage intermediaries but this decreases control)
• Government will need to rethink content and service design.
• Government will have to find ways to embed authority in its web-based services.
• Some citizens are concerned about equal access.
• Citizens trust the government with personal data but not for service efficiency.
• Government will need to measure the effectiveness of its Web 2.0 initiatives.

These findings led the researchers to develop the following recommendations:

• Just do it
• Develop a government-wide inventory of common Web 2.0 issues.
• Strategically rethink how to deliver on your mission.
• Reconfigure your Internet information and services to be more component based.
• Ensure authenticity of government information and services.
• Learn and keep an open mind.

As a government worker myself, I agree with most of the findings except for the idea that government requires an intermediary to pull off successful implementation of social media. I find it a paradox that people still spread this myth that somehow private management is better than public while all these major, private businesses continue to fail due to poor management and possibly questionable practices. How many states, counties, or cities with the same monetary value have failed and then showed up on the steps of Congress hoping for a bailout?

Another issue is that intermediaries usually have never had any experience in government and do not understand the policies, procedures, and laws under which government works. They also do not understand that the purpose of government is to serve the people in the most effective and efficient manner possible. I realize that some agencies are better at achieving this than others, but if they are ineffective or inefficient, people have an opportunity at the next election to try to remedy that. Also, unless serving as a volunteer, an intermediary is in business and therefore must be driven by profit and not the best interests of the public.

The other issue with an intermediary is the loss of trust. As pointed out by the study, people do trust government with personal information, and this trust would probably not extend to a non-government entity running the show.

Additionally, the use of an intermediary could cause people to feel someone has more control than they do. The concern expressed by people in this study about ensuring equal access reflects this. Everyone in a community wants to be considered equal. They can accept someone in government moderating because in the end they have control over that person’s participation, but once a private citizen steps into that role, they want to know “how come that person is so special?” This risks losing buy-in and participation.

Overall, the report provided important information and guidance for governments as we transition to these new methods of communicating with our constituents. I like the “Just do it” recommendation, but after talking with some other government workers, I find that is easier said than done. Even if someone in government is ready to go forward, there is a learning curve with and possibly resistance from others in their agency. We are at the threshold of drastically changing the way we do business, and not only within government. What we need now is some good promotional materials we can use to take back to others in our agencies to get everyone on board. And then we need good guidance documents with some best practices and ideas for implementation that fit within the rules, policies, procedures, and laws under which we work.


Government – the Surrogate Parent

Recently I read a blog about the need for the federal government to rebrand their Uncle Sam image. Well, after watching the way government at all levels is accepting more and more responsibility for fixing everyday problems faced by Americans, I think I have a suggestion. Instead of Uncle how about Dad or Mom?

Why am I suggesting such a crazy idea? Because government is bailing Americans out of having to pay for their mortgages like a parent would help out a child who got in over their head. Because people fighting with their neighbors approach city hall to ask for help in getting along and resolving disputes like they would go to mom or dad over a fight with siblings. Because people don’t check out the rules before they make a decision to purchase homes or launch businesses and then expect city hall to sort out the mess.

Often I wonder why this is happening. Why are people turning more and more to government for help with issues and problems that in the “old days” were handled privately? Sometimes I think it might be the movement of folks away from childhood friends and family. Without a strong family or community connection perhaps people do not get the advice and help that was offered when people used to live and work in the same small town all their life. And so they turn to the only “person” who will help: the government – usually the local government. But lately the state and federal government are stepping in to help out too.

So this brings up the next question: is this what we want from our government? Obviously the people who are asking for help and receiving it must want it. But should government accept this parental position? In our city, officials seem to be accepting this responsibility more and more each year. The reason is that we care a lot about our citizens and businesses so we want them to be happy and successful. And if our citizens are doing well, the community will reflect that.

Of course there is a significant cost to all this which leads into the need to set limits on how far government steps into this parental role. With which issues and problems should the government assist and should cost be figured into the decision? And are citizens willing to pay more taxes to get this personalized care? I would be very interested in hearing from others on their feelings about this or their own experiences dealing with this issue.

In the end, I don’t think the federal government will abandon the Uncle Sam image, but maybe we can get a newly elected position at the local government level. I suggest City Mom or City Dad.
